this is my logo/motto and...also my path of life (the sequence of the 3 words has a meaning: my meaning) (Love Peace Music) I will also write about these 3 topics and would love to get feedback from You (;o)* Don't be shy or hesitate...Thank you (Scrivero' su questi 3 soggetti ed amerei molto ricevere feedback/commenti anke da Te oppure...te! Non essere timida/o, non esitare...lasciati andare) All translations made by me
Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM
Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations
Sunday, November 13, 2011
November has come and so has day (~_*)
Me in action (the Princess of Rock), in October 2011...dancing on...vinyl! (Elektro House night...we were 3 Dee Jays, me the only *female* one...hehe heee d(*_*)b Rockin' down the House!)
{This was added 2011.12.13/Sun. nite}
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sounds Like Cherry Pie Hanson
Sounds Like Cherry Pie Hanson
Love cherry pie! and I like this little story written by Taylor Hanson (as I do the Band!) Good Luck to you guys!
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)
Love Peace Music
Love cherry pie! and I like this little story written by Taylor Hanson (as I do the Band!) Good Luck to you guys!
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)
Love Peace Music
Friday, August 5, 2011
Pictures here and there (away from the decks...) (;o)*
Playing it funny and cool...on the lake (this was in a town called Mantova, in Italy, March 2008...rather cold!) this pic added 2011.8.8/Mon
Me and eh eh
(this pic added 2011.8.5/Fri, but taken Feb. or March (?) 2011)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
the galaxy, skies, rainbows, and the likes...(;o)*
This is the moon...picture taken on a clear night, with a digital camera...Do you ever watch the sky? I do a lot, mainly cause I am an...Alien (yep, that's eh eh), all the way from Syrius and sometimes Saturn... <o_o> (posted on May 17, 2011/Tues.)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Flowers/Plants/Trees: mine and around the world (photo credits: Melody Fox~aka the Princess of Rock and blue Angel in blue)
This is a little miracle (and smile of Nature)...rose bush given to me by (my) Gee, 2nd husband (no longer in this universe) in 1997. It has traveled with me around the world: this is a bloom from 2008...a miracle of...Love in all ways. posted 2011.5.4/Wed.
One day I took a bike tour to the beach (approx 50 miles return) and I picked a little branch of this desert flower, put it in my backpack, forgot about it, then, 3 days later, I was going thru items in the backpack, saw this little buddy, and planted him...these are the results! (2008) This comment posted 2011.5.4/Wed.
These little guys have travelled with me around the planet: I took a sample from a vase of someone (from the stairs of a eh eh), planted them...and look how they are smiling happily and cheerfully (2008) Comment posted 2011.5.4/Wed.
These African violets have a little story behind them (their eh eh): they have travelled all around the world...My Gee (my 2nd husband) was ill and he gave me money to buy something for Easter for myself...This is one of the things that I bought (May 1999~he passed away in June that same year) and I have had them ever since...We are in 2011...I consider this a miracle, like many people/Friends who know me consider me an *Angel*...(;o)* Right now they are blooming in my loft, with a different color! (Usually they come out once or twice a year: I have noticed, maybe it's just a chance, but they usually bloom around his bee day~which is today, at the time of my posting~on May 4 (he was 1964) and on mine (12 November). Comment posted 2011.5.4/Wed. Happy birthday my Gee (Cieli azzurri forever...)
...All the colors that Nature brings...Makes your heart want to happily sing...(km*copyright) Comment posted 2011.5.4/Wed.
I loved the arrangement of the different flowers and pots here...And it was nice to see that there was no fence or gate to set boundaries...(;o)* Comment posted 2011.5.4/Wed. (Just by chance that I decided to do it today, when it is Gee's beeday!)
Same little purple flowers, from a different view... Comment posted 2011.5.4/Wed.
Some of my *babies*...I have always had a knack for flowers and plants (sometimes picking up little pieces that have been thrown away from tenants...I call these little guys *orphans*. I take them home, heal them, plant them, and they...survive happily and joyfully. These are roses (a whole line of bushes, that I planted, and upkept) blooming between April and May, but also longer...even in Winter!
Comment posted on 2011.5.4/Wed. I guess we can consider this a tribute to my Gee (as I wrote before, this was not planned...just by chance, while I was updating my blog, deciding to put in flower pics, it dawned on me that today was May 4...(;o)*
Sunday, April 17, 2011
April 2011
April started off with a lot of spinning nights and is rather quite...ehm ehm. Today is a day of Peace, the so called Palm Sunday. My expectations are that...there will be some nice surprises coming around... In the meantime, here's some Music (that I borrowed from YouTube and Mike Oldfield...). This is a remake of Mike Oldfield's *Tubular Bells*, with traces of Oriental sounds and a fantastic cast of musicians: just listen to all those jingles and jangles and vocals...awesome!
Love Peace Music from Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)
Love Peace Music from Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What's the story, morning glory...February 2011...and almost gone...
Music is my travelling companion through my paths of life...
in the good, in the bad, in the glad, in the sad...
and it inspires me always, in all sorts of ways... (but so does Nature and its magical colors!)
What about you?
in the good, in the bad, in the glad, in the sad...
and it inspires me always, in all sorts of ways... (but so does Nature and its magical colors!)
What about you?
**all the colors that Nature brings,
makes your heart want to sing...** (km*)
photo credits: Melody Fox (also my flowers)
Disclaimer notice: this video is not mine, just posting for the Music (Oasis *Morning Glory*)
Monday, January 24, 2011
part of my legacy...hand on my heart (;o)* Proud to be so...
San of my favorite cities in the States...
I have biked the Golden Bridge several times: what a...windy achievement...Lots of wind at times!
Here's an all time favorite in Music sung by Scott McKenzie:
(comment added 2012.3.7/Wed.)
no words necessary...
I have biked the Golden Bridge several times: what a...windy achievement...Lots of wind at times!
Here's an all time favorite in Music sung by Scott McKenzie:
(comment added 2012.3.7/Wed.)
no words necessary...
Monday, January 17, 2011
some Melody Fox Rock~Electronic~Contamination sets (pre-listening/pre-ascolto for CLUBS/ART DIRECTORS/ORGANIZERS/AGENCIES, etc etc) for THOSE who happen to download, PLEASE mark that it is a set mixed by Melody Fox...///per KIUNQUE facesse download PREGO indicare sulla copia ke e' un set di Melody Fox...thank you
DISCLAIMER NOTE: the Music that I post (my demos, sets, etc.) does not belong to me: however, IT IS MY mixing/revisiting/scratching (all Music is bought by me, either on vinyl or cds, with taxes paid in the countries where I have purchased!) ///La Music ke metto (miei demos, sets, etc..) non mi appartiene: E' COMUNQUE tutto mixato (e rivisitato) da me, ed i pezzi--sia in vinile ke in cds--sono stati comperati da me, con tasse pagate nei paesi di provenienza...
Melody Fox or...Melody Rock (aka the Princess of Rock) d(*_*)b
Love Peace Music
At the time of writing it is June 10, 2011/Fri. and I am adding a new link for one of my Rock sets (#48b), recorded/mixed/revisited in 2009. It is a Rock and Contaminations set, which starts with Billy Idol, it also has the Cars, the Cure, New Order, etc., etc.. Rock on and enjoy! The link will only last for a maximum of 10 days...
Love Peace Music from the Princess of Rock
This is one of my Rock~Electronic~Contaminations set (43b) recorded and mixed for It has a mixture of Artists: from Kraftwerk to Marilyn Manson, to Radiohead, Pearl Jam, etc...and, obviously, a mixture of sounds (mixed/revisited/scratching by Melody Rock, the Princess of Rock, that's me!)
This is my Electronic (a lot of Electronic!)~Rock~Contaminations set#67 (it also has some House bits), always for, revisited, and scratching...Artists like the Orb, Depeche Mode, Scissor Sisters, Tears for Fears, and more!
Melody Fox or...Melody Rock (aka the Princess of Rock) d(*_*)b
Love Peace Music
At the time of writing it is June 10, 2011/Fri. and I am adding a new link for one of my Rock sets (#48b), recorded/mixed/revisited in 2009. It is a Rock and Contaminations set, which starts with Billy Idol, it also has the Cars, the Cure, New Order, etc., etc.. Rock on and enjoy! The link will only last for a maximum of 10 days...
Love Peace Music from the Princess of Rock
This is one of my Rock~Electronic~Contaminations set (43b) recorded and mixed for It has a mixture of Artists: from Kraftwerk to Marilyn Manson, to Radiohead, Pearl Jam, etc...and, obviously, a mixture of sounds (mixed/revisited/scratching by Melody Rock, the Princess of Rock, that's me!)
This is my Electronic (a lot of Electronic!)~Rock~Contaminations set#67 (it also has some House bits), always for, revisited, and scratching...Artists like the Orb, Depeche Mode, Scissor Sisters, Tears for Fears, and more!
some House & Contaminations sets by Melody Fox/mixed and revisited (Pre-listening for CLUBS/ART DIRECTORS/ORGANIZERS/AGENCIES, ETC. ETC.) for THOSE who happen to download, PLEASE mark that it is a set mixed by Melody Fox...
DISCLAIMER NOTICE: the Music that I post (my demos, sets, etc.) does not belong to me: however, IT IS MY mixing/revisiting/scratching (all Music is bought by me, either on vinyl or cds, with taxes paid in the countries where I have purchased!) ///La Music ke metto (miei demos, sets, etc..) non mi appartiene: E' COMUNQUE tutto mixato (e rivisitato) da me, ed i pezzi--sia in vinile ke in cds--sono stati comperati da me, con tasse pagate nei paesi di provenienza...
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) d(*_*)b
This is my House set #61b (my way! with tunes from the past) Mostly mixed (and revisited) with VINYL but also some cds... Many floor poppers on this one! NOT TO BE USED on dance floors by clubs for their purpose: just a DEMO! only to be listened to, to get an idea.../da NON USARE in pista, da parte di CLUBS, ETC.: e' un mio DEMO! esclusivamente da ascolto, per avere un'idea... (posted 2011.2.18/Mon.)
This is my House set #59b (recorded per request of *Farinami* owner), mixed and revisited by me, Melody Fox, plus scratching and other effects, ALL VINYL...(TUTTO VINILE) Electro House~House~Contaminations (Just to be listened to by those interested to have me in their clubs as Special Guest, and, by no means to be used during your nights!/come pre-ascolto da parte di coloro del settore ke sono interessati ad avermi nei loro locali come Special Guest e NON da essere nelle vostre serate!)
posted 2011.1.18/Tues.
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) d(*_*)b
This is my House set #61b (my way! with tunes from the past) Mostly mixed (and revisited) with VINYL but also some cds... Many floor poppers on this one! NOT TO BE USED on dance floors by clubs for their purpose: just a DEMO! only to be listened to, to get an idea.../da NON USARE in pista, da parte di CLUBS, ETC.: e' un mio DEMO! esclusivamente da ascolto, per avere un'idea... (posted 2011.2.18/Mon.)
This is my House set #59b (recorded per request of *Farinami* owner), mixed and revisited by me, Melody Fox, plus scratching and other effects, ALL VINYL...(TUTTO VINILE) Electro House~House~Contaminations (Just to be listened to by those interested to have me in their clubs as Special Guest, and, by no means to be used during your nights!/come pre-ascolto da parte di coloro del settore ke sono interessati ad avermi nei loro locali come Special Guest e NON da essere nelle vostre serate!)
posted 2011.1.18/Tues.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
some Melody Fox demos (FOR CLUBS/ART DIRECTORS/ORGANIZERS, etc. etc...) for Aperitives and...After Dinner (whomever downloads, please write that it is a Melody Fox demo!-KIUNQUE facesse download, prego scrivere ke e' un demo Melody Fox!)
DISCLAIMER NOTE: the Music that I post (my demos, etc.) does not belong to me: however, IT IS MY mixing/revisiting/scratching (all Music is bought by me, either on vinyl or cds, with taxes paid in the countries where I have purchased!) ///La Music ke metto (miei demos, etc..) non mi appartiene: E' COMUNQUE tutto mixato (e rivisitato) da me, ed i pezzi--sia in vinile ke in cds--sono stati comperati da me, con tasse pagate nei paesi di provenienza... Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) d(*_*)b
this demo of mine is for the Aperitif and/or After Dinner: sophisticated Electronic tunes (Berserk-Royksopp-Kompakt): (posted 2011.1.15/Sat...) (added new link again on 2011.4.18/Monday)
this demo of mine is for the Aperitif and/or After Dinner: Oriental plus sophisticated Contamination tunes (Asian, including Natasha Atlas, and European Artists): (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.)
this demo of mine is for After Dinner: Oriental all the way (Ofra Haza and other Artists): (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.--Gee and Kay 4ever) (new link added on 2011.4.18/Mon, because it had expired, uptempo)
this demo of mine is a sort of floor popper: a remixing and revisiting (plus scratching) of a Depeche Mode and Eurythmics track...Get on the dance floor! (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.) (new link added on 2011.4.19/Tues., because it had expired)
my following demo is Rock...Rock on! is ALL VINYL! it features Erase Errata and the Cure (I have interviewed both groups!)...You can pog along and Rock the floor out with this one! (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.) (new link posted on 2011.4.19/Tuesday, because other one from
Jan. 2011 had expired...)
the following is one of my demos (decided on the verge of the moment!)...quite an easylistening thing/very industrial, etc., but I happen to love both the Killers and Visage...and I have always linked in nu with the past! so here it is! and yeah-ooooooo, this is a dance floor popper...a mix that I blend into my House sets--mostly at the beginning of the evening (;o)* (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.)
this is for Aperitif of my demos with Sophisticated Electronic sounds for starters! Aperitif sounds...The Orb and Lemon Jelly (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.) (new link posted on 2011.4.19-Tuesday, because it had expired!) The Orb and Lemon Jelly
One of my favorite groups is Nu Order, so I mix/revisit them with Tears 4 Fears...This style Music is good for the Aperitif and/or After Dinner (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.)
this demo of mine is for the Aperitif and/or After Dinner: sophisticated Electronic tunes (Berserk-Royksopp-Kompakt): (posted 2011.1.15/Sat...) (added new link again on 2011.4.18/Monday)
this demo of mine is for the Aperitif and/or After Dinner: Oriental plus sophisticated Contamination tunes (Asian, including Natasha Atlas, and European Artists): (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.)
this demo of mine is for After Dinner: Oriental all the way (Ofra Haza and other Artists): (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.--Gee and Kay 4ever) (new link added on 2011.4.18/Mon, because it had expired, uptempo)
this demo of mine is a sort of floor popper: a remixing and revisiting (plus scratching) of a Depeche Mode and Eurythmics track...Get on the dance floor! (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.) (new link added on 2011.4.19/Tues., because it had expired)
my following demo is Rock...Rock on! is ALL VINYL! it features Erase Errata and the Cure (I have interviewed both groups!)...You can pog along and Rock the floor out with this one! (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.) (new link posted on 2011.4.19/Tuesday, because other one from
Jan. 2011 had expired...)
the following is one of my demos (decided on the verge of the moment!)...quite an easylistening thing/very industrial, etc., but I happen to love both the Killers and Visage...and I have always linked in nu with the past! so here it is! and yeah-ooooooo, this is a dance floor popper...a mix that I blend into my House sets--mostly at the beginning of the evening (;o)* (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.)
this is for Aperitif of my demos with Sophisticated Electronic sounds for starters! Aperitif sounds...The Orb and Lemon Jelly (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.) (new link posted on 2011.4.19-Tuesday, because it had expired!) The Orb and Lemon Jelly
One of my favorite groups is Nu Order, so I mix/revisit them with Tears 4 Fears...This style Music is good for the Aperitif and/or After Dinner (posted 2011.1.15/Sat.)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Music celebrating the New Year! January 2011!!!!!!! (Disclaimer note: This is Music that I get from Youtube and not owned by me...just to celebrate!)
how about a floor popper, whether you are at home, in your car with a laptop, or... wherever! Just get your feet moving! (un ritmo ke ti fara' sballare, sia a casa, in makina con il tuo laptop, o...ovunque! Fa ke i tuoi piedi si muovano!)
comment posted on Jan. 1, 2011/Sat.
(from what I understand, this mix belongs to *Smashhead666*) New Year's mix 2010
comment posted on Jan. 1, 2011/Sat.
(from what I understand, this mix belongs to *Smashhead666*) New Year's mix 2010
a New Year ready to spark up your life! 2011 reasons to be...alive! (;o)*
a New Year ready to spark up your life! 2011 reasons to be...alive! and thank the stars (or whomever) for this miracle... ((un Nuovo Anno pronto a ravvivare la tua vita! 2011 ragioni per! e ringraziare le stelle (o kiunque sia) per questo miracolo...)) (;o)* Joy, health, and dreams come true to all of You! (Gioia, buona salute, e sogni ke si avverano per tutti Voi!)
May you walk in starshine (ke tu possa camminare sulla scia delle stelle)...
photo credits: Melody Fox
May you walk in starshine (ke tu possa camminare sulla scia delle stelle)...
photo credits: Melody Fox
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