Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Looking for Freedom...

Listening to this song, vocally speaking:  She reminds me of Macy Gray, but in a nicer way...and he reminds me of Gnarls Barkley.  I love this song and I think both Anthony Hamilton and Elayna Boynton have made a lovely duet for the Django Unchained music sound score!  *Freedom*!

Don't we all? (;o)* look for freedom, in different ways... However, I'm one of those who does take the weight of the world's problems on my shoulders...It's a big burden for these little shoulders, believe me!  That's the way I am...

smiles through blue skies,

Melody Fox... d(*_*)b (aka the Princess of Rock)
Love Peace Music


p.s.:  I saw the movie yesterday...Quentin Tarantino is always an incognito, and I don't like all his
stuff.  Although this particular movie was quite gory (even though in a *cartoon* sort of way, typical of Quentin), I rather liked it...The end was a good one (I'm sorry Dr. Schultz was sacrificed to die!) and the message is...Freedom!  As I was saying (writing) I saw the movie on Monday (Febrauary 24, 2013) and was pleased to find out in the evening that Christophe Waltz--the Dr. Schultz character in the movie--had won an Oscar as best supporting act!  All were good, but he was great!  Congratulations to the Winner! 

Oh, by the way... I love you Jamie, handsome, clever! ~♥~

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's to ALL... ☆♥♫♫LPM(km*)♫♫♥☆

 In da da mix...there's nothing that I can't fix! d(*_*)b Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) 8 March 2011
                                                                                    Delano, Ca.

My little VALENTINE's gift to my friends/Fans/Afecionados ~♥~ The link is valid only for a few days (maybe 4 or 5 from the date I posted) and then expires...Should you download (it's a 1-hr set approx., all mixed and revisited by me, the Princess of Rock), and put on a cd, PLEASE write on cd, that it's Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) Easy Listening set #60b. It's Chillout~Lounge~Contaminations (with some Rock influences). Happy listening!

(mio piccolo dono musicale di Valentino per i miei friends/Fans/Afecionados ~♥~ IL link e' valido per pochi giorni--forse 4 o 5 da quando ho messo--poi scade...Se tu dovessi fare download--e' un set di circa un'ora, tutto mixed e rivisitato da me--e metterlo su cd, PLEASE scrivi sopra cd, che e' Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) Easy Listening set numero 60/b. E' Chillout~Lounge~Contaminations (con qualche influenza Rock)...Buon ascolto!)

Melody Fox d(*_*)b (aka the Princess of Rock)
... ☆♥♫♫LPM(km*)♫♫♥☆

HAPPY VALENTINE's TO ALL from Valentine Melody... d(~_*)b

Monday, February 11, 2013

Temporary, therefore untitled...

 (Angelo)  I got it! eheh ehhh  (Melody Fox)

Popes and Rats... (~_*)

The world's gone crazier...eheh ehhh

Pope Rats (that's how I've called him from the very first time I saw him...Never did like him...his eyes were cold, and same thing for his smile) has decided to retire at the end of this month. He says he is getting old and does not feel that he can fulfill his duties. Why did he accept his role as Pope at the beginning, in 2005? if he felt he was going *to feel old*? query...

Anyway, let's hope that the new Pope will distribute some money around, to the poor and needy! (;o)*

(IL Papa Rats ha deciso di andare in pensione, dicendo che non si sente giusto nel ruolo, nel prendere decisioni, a questa sua eta'. Lo sapeva anche nel 2005...perche' ha accettato, quindi? Comunque non mi e' mai piaciuto...con quegli suoi occhi cosi' freddi, ed anche il sorriso. L'ho chiamato *Rats*...un po' per abbreviare il suo cognome, un po' per *ridere*...Rats vuol dire topo/topi. Mi auguro che il nuovo Pope distribuira' un po' di denaro in giro, ai poveri e bisognosi!)


Added a couple of hours later...

And now, WHEN THEY REALIZED THE WORDING WAS WRONG...the story has changed...the word has changed. Instead of *retire* it has become *resign*...very different, and more appropriate (Ora, quando si sono accorti dell'errore, e' stato messo che il Papa dara' le *dimissioni* e non piu' andra' in *pensione*...molto piu' adeguato e appropriato!)

Video of Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Just fooling around with my trademark logos (~_*): 


°•. ƸӜƷ.☆°•. ƸӜƷ.☆°•LPM. ƸӜƷ.☆°•. ƸӜƷ.☆




my DJ logo trademark (many have copied!)    d(*_*)b

Red roseNoteSmile (the smileys are from Hotmail...) Red roseNoteSmile  (I was testing out something...)Red roseNoteSmile