Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Last Christmas...and then...

HE was gone... 

...Do you think we have time?
Do you think we have time?
(maybe we should all pray for time...)

I think of death quite's something that creeps up upon you without notice...and today, (talking about December 25, 2016)  I'm so sad about the news of George's passing (quietly in his sleep). :'(
Just a day or two earlier, before his passing, I was talking with some friends, on some of my memories about Artists whom I've interviewed...the topic was what some of them wanted backstage. And I clearly mentioned George Michael (I've interviewed him and seen live performances) making specific request (depending on the city where he had his venues) to have a trained practitioner for massages, during intervals while on stage...And then, this awful news. :'(
Farewell to blue eyes...iassu...
(additional note on 2017.12.16/Sat.:  George did not have blue eyes, they were brown...However, when I interviewed him the first time, in Rome, Italy, off via Veneto, his eyes were blue.  It dawned on me at the beginning of this year, looking at some images, where he was with brown eyes, his own eyes.  So, obviously, when we spoke, he was wearing contact lens... 

Melody Fox
(aka the Princess of Rock)

This track came out in 1990 and was the #one hit single to hit the top 100 charts in the U.S., it stayed as Number One for on Billboard, for one whole week.  Awesome!  sad, true, and dark, at the same time...

I had been playing Christmas songs, since mid December, circa...Christmas songs, meaning *modern* stuff, with Sting, Madonna, the Queen, etc., etc., and, obviously George Michael's (Wham!) hit *Last Christmas*...  It will never be the same again...and what a time and way to pass on!  a coincidence?  
George you are Christmas, and not only... 

Rest upon a Star, with the other Stars, you yourself one, George...*