Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Approaching the tail of 2021...

There is definitely something wrong here with the system...How on earth am I supposed to write like this? there is no joy or enthusiasm writing on my Google blog (since several months) because the writing system has changed. It's much better on Word Press, but I've always liked Google more, until several months ago! That was my rant! Now, to get to what I was trying to write...
My image is from Nov. 26, 2021 (Thanksgiving Friday...I don't care much to call it Black Friday. Lol) It's a sort of touchy subject, to talk about the end of 2021: What has it brought? joy, pain, sorrow? What have we gained? another year of life, that's for sure! What have you accomplished? if anything... Will you carry your load of $h*t into the new year, 2022? Do you think you will stay entrapped in the memories of this year? be they good, be they not so good? or will you just push them down the drain of forgetfullness? I think that everything should be kept as a book of experiences to cherish, and try to take advantage of new learnings, even the crappy ones. For sure, in some ways, 2021 has been much better than the previous one: this disease of these times, has weakened the universe in many ways, and taken so many people away from their lives and loved ones. 2020 an extremely sad year... 2021 a bit happier, but it's not over. The disease, with all its variants (the most recent one, quite deadly) is still out there, not lurking, but bold and in the open! Personally, I am without DJ work since February 2020, and that's a long long time. I've gotten into other projects, but with very little income. I find it ironic when talking with people who say, well, you are fit and healthy and that's what is important. Sure, it is, but it doesn't pay the bills! a bit more empathy, folks? Lol These are some of my thoughts on December 28, 2021/Tuesday, 4 days till we get to the tip of the tail of 2021, and enter 2022... To the gentle readers: please write some comments, your thoughts, in the appropriate section...They are very much appreciated. I get a lot of visitors from all over the universe, but hardly any comment, and that saddens me, a bit... Stay safe! Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) LPM (always and forever...)