Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations

Monday, January 17, 2011

some House & Contaminations sets by Melody Fox/mixed and revisited (Pre-listening for CLUBS/ART DIRECTORS/ORGANIZERS/AGENCIES, ETC. ETC.) for THOSE who happen to download, PLEASE mark that it is a set mixed by Melody Fox...

DISCLAIMER NOTICE:    the Music that I post (my demos, sets, etc.) does not belong to me:  however, IT IS MY mixing/revisiting/scratching (all Music is bought by me, either on vinyl or cds, with taxes paid in the countries where I have purchased!) ///La Music ke metto (miei demos, sets,  etc..) non mi appartiene:  E'  COMUNQUE tutto mixato (e rivisitato) da me, ed i pezzi--sia in vinile ke in cds--sono stati comperati da me, con tasse pagate nei paesi di provenienza... 
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) d(*_*)b

This is my House set #61b (my way!  with tunes from the past)  Mostly mixed (and revisited) with VINYL but also some cds...  Many floor poppers on this one!  NOT TO BE USED on dance floors by clubs for their purpose:   just a DEMO!  only to be listened to, to get an idea.../da NON USARE in pista, da parte di CLUBS, ETC.:  e' un mio DEMO!  esclusivamente da ascolto,  per avere un'idea...  (posted 2011.2.18/Mon.)

This is my House set #59b (recorded per request of *Farinami* owner), mixed and revisited by me, Melody Fox, plus scratching and other effects, ALL VINYL...(TUTTO VINILE)  Electro House~House~Contaminations  (Just to be listened to by those interested to have me in their clubs as Special Guest, and, by no means to be used during your nights!/come pre-ascolto da parte di coloro del settore ke sono interessati ad avermi nei loro locali come Special Guest e NON da essere nelle vostre serate!)

posted 2011.1.18/Tues.

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