Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations

Friday, December 24, 2010

Melody Chrismix to you! Fans/Friends...a musical surprise from me! enjoy! Love Peace MUSIC

this is a little musical surprise for my Fans/Friends...It's a set that I recorded/mixed/revisited for Christmas...enjoy!  a kiss in the mix from Melody Chrismix  

actually, I am not quite sure I posted it properly...(;o)*
post added:  2010.12.24/Fri eve b4 Xmas...

(note:  I do not own any of this's just my revisiting and mixing, straight from my musical booth in my loft)

You click on the code below and a page will open and you can save it--there is a time limit on this.  If you do download it and put it on cd, please make sure you write that it is a Christmas set Special by Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock), thank you...Enjoy from Melody Chrismix!  Love Peace Music (fai click sul codice qui sotto e si aprira' una pagina e puoi salvarla--c'e' un limite di tempo per questo.  Se dovessi fare il downloading e Lo metti su cd, assicurati per favore di scrivere ke e' un Christmas set Special registrato/mixato di Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock), grazie...Divertiti da Melody Chrismix!   Love Peace Music))

Melody Chrismix to you!
Love Peace Music (always and forever...)

(Photo credits:  my friend Sony...added Christmas day, 2010.12.25/Sat.)


TrevorW�� said...

Seasons Greetings to you.
Thanks for dropping by my blog
Will link up again in 2011.

Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) said...

hi there, Trevor! okay, we'll *clink* again next eh eh (;o)*

I'll take some time in a few days (I am travelling now) to read some of your biking adventures. I am a biker too, but not to your standards (I don't think!)

Melody Chrismix, in Love in Peace in Music

(posted 2010.12.24 at midnight:11, Italy time zone, so that means we have just entered Christmas day...hurray hurray)