Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19

Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas around the all kinds of thoughts come unfurled (km*copyright)

today is December 31, the last day of 2010!  are you wishing it goodbye?  are you sad that it's going to be leaving?  any regrets?  I have chosen this uptempo (Christmas) song, entitled *Merry Christmas Everyone*, sung by Shakin' Stevens--an Artist whom I interviewed in the a matter of fact, I had a crush for him!  ih ih ih (;o)*  ((oggi e' il 31 Dicembre, l'ultimo giorno del 2010!  Lo stai salutando?  sei dispiaciuto/a al fatto ke sta per partire?  qualke lamentela o rimorso?  Ho scelto questa song (di Natale ancora!),  un po' uptempo/veloce, dal titolo *Buon Natale a Tutti*, cantata da Shakin' Stevens--un Artista ke ho intervistato negli anni Ottanta...anzi, mi ero invaghita di eh eh))

smiles from across the roaming miles from Melody Chrismix

posted on Friday, December 31 2010

Bon Jovi and their song *I Wish Everyday Could be Like Christmas* (=Come vorrei ke ogni giorno potesse essere come Natale=)

video and my comments added on 2010.12.27/Mon., 2 days after Xmas
(Note/disclaimer:  I do not own rights to any of the videos--of Artists--but am posting them just for the music to share with people/readers)
Melody Chrismix to you!

*so this is Christmas* sing John and Yoko (Ono) Lennon plus a chorus of children:  let's sing all together, joining hands and smiles from the different corners of the globe ((e cosi' siamo giunti al Natale cantano John e Yoko, piu' un coro di bimbi:  cantiamo tutti insieme, tenendoci per mano e sorrisi dai diversi angoli del globo))

video added 2010.12.22/Wed. b4 Xmas...

time for some Christmas Music!  how about the Beach Boys, in their Little Saint Nick...this is one of my favorite Xmas songs!  (un po' di songs per Natale!  ho scelto the Beach Boys, in Little Saint Nick (Il pikolo san Nicola), uno dei miei preferiti!)

Melody Chrismix to you! d(*_*)b
Love Peace Music
video added 2010.12.22/Wed.

a Nativity scene near castle (Berlin, Germany)
photo credits:  Melody Chrismix (aka Melody Fox)
this picture added 2010.12.22/Wed.

longest boulevard in the world (3.5 kilometers)
Photo creditsMelody Chrismix (aka Melody Fox)

Me in the Film Museum in Berlin (Germany), Xmas 2009

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