(Alison) Goldfrapp's **Utopia** is absolutely fantastic! I have always loved it....but now, I have discovered a new version, a remix entitled *Sunroof remix*, and I think it is great! I would like to put it in the Trip Hop category and, I'd like to add that it has similar sounds to Depeche Mode's way of conceiving Music...Here's to you and you and...You!
(post added 2011.2.26-Sat.)
Shara Nelson gives her fantastic voice on this track by Massive Attack--they have cameo appearances from outsiders on their musical work--entitled Unfinished Sympathy, from 2007 circa. She gives a haunting edge to the whole song, making you want to listen to it over and over again and walk with her until the end of nowhere...(Ognitanto Massive Attack usano altre voci ospiti per i loro brani, come per questa song, dal suono malinconico, reso ancora piu' vero dalla voce incredibile di Shara Nelson...Ti viene voglia di camminare con lei, in solidarieta', fino alla fine dei tempi...)
(km*copyright, added 2010.12.29/Wed.)
this is my logo/motto and...also my path of life (the sequence of the 3 words has a meaning: my meaning) (Love Peace Music) I will also write about these 3 topics and would love to get feedback from You or...you (;o)* Don't be shy or hesitate...Thank you (Scrivero' su questi 3 soggetti ed amerei molto ricevere feedback/commenti anke da Te oppure...te! Non essere timida/o, non esitare...lasciati andare) All translations made by me
Peepz crossing these paths... (~_*) Thanks for visiting...LPM
Special Guest at Riva dei Tarquini, Tuscany (Europe) 2012.4.19
In the Mix with Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)...Chillout~Electronic~Contaminations
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Some knick knacks, at random, as an Artist/DJ d(*_*)b (this little symbol invented by me as a DJ...copyright)
post and pic added 2010.12.26/Sun, the day after Christmas...
A DJ's life: my vinyl cases just before leaving for a Special Guest night (that is me, Halloween Melody, Oct 31, 2010) I am a DJ...I am what I am, behind the Music booth...
photo credits: me, myself, and I, Melody Rock
post added: 2010.12.23/Thurs b4 Xmas
(a set of my turntable pads (spinning on the...alien side)
in the mix...in the mix...
(note: the little DJ smiley is courtesy of a site/community)
post added 2010.12.22/Wed b4 Xmas
Friday, December 24, 2010
Melody Chrismix to you! Fans/Friends...a musical surprise from me! enjoy! Love Peace MUSIC
this is a little musical surprise for my Fans/Friends...It's a set that I recorded/mixed/revisited for Christmas...enjoy! a kiss in the mix from Melody Chrismix
actually, I am not quite sure I posted it properly...(;o)*
post added: 2010.12.24/Fri eve b4 Xmas...
(note: I do not own any of this Music...it's just my revisiting and mixing, straight from my musical booth in my loft)
You click on the code below and a page will open and you can save it--there is a time limit on this. If you do download it and put it on cd, please make sure you write that it is a Christmas set Special by Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock), thank you...Enjoy from Melody Chrismix! Love Peace Music (fai click sul codice qui sotto e si aprira' una pagina e puoi salvarla--c'e' un limite di tempo per questo. Se dovessi fare il downloading e Lo metti su cd, assicurati per favore di scrivere ke e' un Christmas set Special registrato/mixato di Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock), grazie...Divertiti da Melody Chrismix! Love Peace Music))
Melody Chrismix to you!
Love Peace Music (always and forever...)
(Photo credits: my friend Sony...added Christmas day, 2010.12.25/Sat.)
actually, I am not quite sure I posted it properly...(;o)*
post added: 2010.12.24/Fri eve b4 Xmas...
(note: I do not own any of this Music...it's just my revisiting and mixing, straight from my musical booth in my loft)
You click on the code below and a page will open and you can save it--there is a time limit on this. If you do download it and put it on cd, please make sure you write that it is a Christmas set Special by Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock), thank you...Enjoy from Melody Chrismix! Love Peace Music (fai click sul codice qui sotto e si aprira' una pagina e puoi salvarla--c'e' un limite di tempo per questo. Se dovessi fare il downloading e Lo metti su cd, assicurati per favore di scrivere ke e' un Christmas set Special registrato/mixato di Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock), grazie...Divertiti da Melody Chrismix! Love Peace Music))
Melody Chrismix to you!
Love Peace Music (always and forever...)
(Photo credits: my friend Sony...added Christmas day, 2010.12.25/Sat.)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Melody Fox or Melody Rock (aka the Princess of Rock) and...
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock) and, at this time of the year, I am Melody Chrismix behind the Music booth, as Special Guest (at Bamboo, Italy) Friday, December 17 2010: it was a raving House night and a packed house too! (Even though it had snowed and snowed and snowed!)
Melody Chrismix to all of You!
Love Peace Music
(Pioneer CDJs and Behringer mixer, provided by club)
post/pic added 2010.12.24/Fri b4 Christmas! (photo taken by George Guitar/bongas)
this is me (I am the one with the all the bright Xmas colors!), Melody Rock, and some Benetton models (hello Mattia!), for the United Colors of Benetton casting day in Italy (December 19, 2010/Sunday b4 Xmas)
Photo credits: Alessandro Russotti
(thank you Mr. MonaLiso!)
Melody Chrismix to YOU!
photo credits: a Fan in the crowd...
post added 2010.12.13/Thurs. b4 Xmas
Christmas around the world...as all kinds of thoughts come unfurled (km*copyright)
today is December 31, the last day of 2010! are you wishing it goodbye? are you sad that it's going to be leaving? any regrets? I have chosen this uptempo (Christmas) song, entitled *Merry Christmas Everyone*, sung by Shakin' Stevens--an Artist whom I interviewed in the eighties...as a matter of fact, I had a crush for him! ih ih ih (;o)* ((oggi e' il 31 Dicembre, l'ultimo giorno del 2010! Lo stai salutando? sei dispiaciuto/a al fatto ke sta per partire? qualke lamentela o rimorso? Ho scelto questa song (di Natale ancora!), un po' uptempo/veloce, dal titolo *Buon Natale a Tutti*, cantata da Shakin' Stevens--un Artista ke ho intervistato negli anni Ottanta...anzi, mi ero invaghita di lui...eh eh eh))
smiles from across the roaming miles from Melody Chrismix
posted on Friday, December 31 2010
Bon Jovi and their song *I Wish Everyday Could be Like Christmas* (=Come vorrei ke ogni giorno potesse essere come Natale=)
video and my comments added on 2010.12.27/Mon., 2 days after Xmas
(Note/disclaimer: I do not own rights to any of the videos--of Artists--but am posting them just for the music to share with people/readers)
Melody Chrismix to you!
*so this is Christmas* sing John and Yoko (Ono) Lennon plus a chorus of children: let's sing all together, joining hands and smiles from the different corners of the globe ((e cosi' siamo giunti al Natale cantano John e Yoko, piu' un coro di bimbi: cantiamo tutti insieme, tenendoci per mano e sorrisi dai diversi angoli del globo))
video added 2010.12.22/Wed. b4 Xmas...
time for some Christmas Music! how about the Beach Boys, in their Little Saint Nick...this is one of my favorite Xmas songs! (un po' di songs per Natale! ho scelto the Beach Boys, in Little Saint Nick (Il pikolo san Nicola), uno dei miei preferiti!)
Melody Chrismix to you! d(*_*)b
Love Peace Music
video added 2010.12.22/Wed.
a Nativity scene near castle (Berlin, Germany)
photo credits: Melody Chrismix (aka Melody Fox)
this picture added 2010.12.22/Wed.
longest boulevard in the world (3.5 kilometers)
Photo credits: Melody Chrismix (aka Melody Fox)
Me in the Film Museum in Berlin (Germany), Xmas 2009
MUSIC: Electronic and House Sounds that I like and use...
for my spinning nights as DJ Special Guest --both for the Aperitif, After Dinner, and burning down the House floors! d(*_*)b
Important news for YouTube, Libero, or other sources PLUS the AUTHORS THEMSELVES: No infringement intended for videos posted: it is just for the musical aspect and I am not *stealing* Music, or anything...The Music that I buy is on cds or
vinyl and I pay the taxes in the countries where I buy!
the Princess of Rock salutes you!
Melody Chrismix to you...in the Music
Love Peace Music
Marek Hemmann's *Gemini*...minimal House...one of my favorites!
Important news for YouTube, Libero, or other sources PLUS the AUTHORS THEMSELVES: No infringement intended for videos posted: it is just for the musical aspect and I am not *stealing* Music, or anything...The Music that I buy is on cds or
vinyl and I pay the taxes in the countries where I buy!
the Princess of Rock salutes you!
Melody Chrismix to you...in the Music
Love Peace Music
Marek Hemmann's *Gemini*...minimal House...one of my favorites!
posted on 2011.1.18/Tues.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Music versus Artists...(Note/DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these videos...or the music contained therein...instead, THE REVIEWS are mine)Updated on 2011.8.8/Mon.
Has it ever happened to you to listen to a song, and then just want to listen over and over and over again? Well, this tune, as sung by Long John Baldry, is a fixed sensation in my mind. I found out about it just by mere chance (and also because of my knack to remembering tunes and words...) I saw a piece of an old movie a few evenings ago (I don't know title nor have I looked it up...the movie was half way finished by the time I hooked up to the screen...eh eh eh) Anyway, it has Susan Sarandon, Goldie Hawn, and Goeffrey Rush in it, and I love all three actors! At one point (during a sort of sad setting, where Susan was drinking and remembering her life as a roadie), I hear, in the distant background, this tune. I didn't know who it was, the title, nothing...I remembered what I thought were the key words, looked it up on Youtube, discovered that many Rock stars have sung this song, but nothing like Long John's version! and...this in fact was what was part of the movie score: Long John Baldry...What a cool voice! Melanchonic blues...absolutely awesome! (imo) A white guy with a black guy's voice! I love you! Posted on 2011.8.8/Mon.
the Orb and Pink Floyd *Wish You Were Here*...this goes to show you how Rock and Chillout~electronic sounds can make a perfect match and blend in together as smoothly as eating your favorite dab of icecream... (;o)*
posted on 2011.2.21/Mon.
Electrical Storm, a song by U2, that was released in 2002...a William Orbit musical production. I love this song, it has a wonderful sound, with melanchonic lyrics, driven straight to the point by Bono's warm voice. The video is interesting (directed by Anton Corbijn), also thanks to the (sensual) interpretation of Larry Mullen (U2) himself!
posted by Melody Chrismix on 2010.12.26/Sun., the day after Xmas
a song by Patti Smith, People Have the Power...this was sung by a variety of Artists (together with the Boss--Bruce Springsteen) in my hometown (Washington, DC) in 2004...And yes, we do have the Power! to fight away wars and to bring skies of Peace...
(una canzone di Patti Smith, People Have the Power--IL Popolo ha il potere--cantata da una varieta' di Artisti (anke con the Boss--Bruce Springsteen) nella mia citta' (Washington, DC), nel 2004--ancora sotto il dominio di Bushit...e si, noi abbiamo la Forza! di combattere via le guerre e portare cieli di Peace/Pace...)
The Power of Love by Frankie Goes to Hollywood...a track from the Eighties: who would have imagined this crazy Band dishing out such a powerful yet delicate, mellow song?! The lyrics are quite poetic and romantic. You wouldn't expect something like this from a (crazy) Group, who had raved the dance floors with their (double-meaning) Relax! I danced with them in a disko, having the fun of our lives! (together with the Village People too!) We really had fun! ((The Power of Love--La Forza dell'amore--di Frankie Goes to Hollywood...una canzone degli anni ottanta: ki avrebbe mai immaginato ke questo Gruppo (folle) sarebbe uscito con una cosi' potente e delicata canzone melodiosa?! Le parole sono piuttosto poetike e romantike. Non ti saresti mai aspettato un brano del genere da un Gruppo ke ha fatto impazzire le diskoteke con il loro Relax dal doppio senso! Ho ballato con loro in diskoteka, divertendoci all'inverosimile, anke con i Village People!
the Princess of Rock salutes you d(*_*)b
Love Peace Music
added 2010.12.22/Wed.
videos (by world Artists) on the topic *Peace*
one of my favorite songs: Imagine, by John Lennon...this is not just a song, it is a poem. Words that are heartfelt and full of Love: a dream that John had when he thought of the lyrics, a dream that I have (Peace in the world), a dream that you have...and one day it will be a reality. It can happen (also thanks to you and me)!
(una delle mie canzoni preferite: Imagine, di John Lennon...non e' solamente una canzone, e' una poesia. Parole ke vengono dal cuore e sono piene d'Amore: un sogno ke John aveva quando ha pensato alle parole, un sogno ke ho Io (Peace nel mond), un sogno ke hai tu...e, un giorno, sara' realta'. Puo' succedere! (anke grazie a te...a me)
Peace...sempre...per sempre
Peace is just a word just a word...words from Eurythmics' same titled song. Not necessarily so! It may not be easy (but living isn't very easy sometimes, either... Peace can become a reality: let's join in and do something, all together... ((Peace e' solamente una parola...una parola...parole di una canzone degli Eurythmics, dallo stesso titolo. Non e' cosi', se vogliamo essere sinceri! Forse non e' facile (ma Lo stesso vivere, a volte, non e' facile... Peace puo' diventare una realta': sottoscriviamo e facciamo qualcosa tutti, tutti insieme...))
Winter has come...this magical season, around the universe...and outer space <-.->
me, taking it easy in the snow...ih ih ih (freezing my ass off almost! yeah yeah--near Frankfurt, Germany)
Photo credits: mein Hero (Frido)
Photo credits: Melody Fox
Winter time in the city: Berlin (Germany--minus 15 celsius)
this is...Melody Fox (pic taken by passerby)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Can't believe this! (in a positive way...)
wow! this is great! got (just by chance!) a new blog...Maybe I like this better. Have to find out, along the way... Thank you *Google Friends for this
am not sure of my blogger's address to give out to Fans/Friends: will check it around later...
Let's see if Faithless's *Insomnia* will load up: am testing it all out! yeah yeah yeah (in fact, it didn't! so I'll post one of my videos--recent, from the end of Oct. 2010)
Love Peace Music
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)
am not sure of my blogger's address to give out to Fans/Friends: will check it around later...
Let's see if Faithless's *Insomnia* will load up: am testing it all out! yeah yeah yeah (in fact, it didn't! so I'll post one of my videos--recent, from the end of Oct. 2010)
Love Peace Music
Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)
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