Don't we all? (;o)* look for freedom, in different ways... However, I'm one of those who does take the weight of the world's problems on my shoulders...It's a big burden for these little shoulders, believe me! That's the way I am...
smiles through blue skies,
Melody Fox... d(*_*)b (aka the Princess of Rock)
Love Peace Music
smiles through blue skies,
Melody Fox... d(*_*)b (aka the Princess of Rock)
Love Peace Music
p.s.: I saw the movie yesterday...Quentin Tarantino is always an incognito, and I don't like all his
stuff. Although this particular movie was quite gory (even though in a *cartoon* sort of way, typical of Quentin), I rather liked it...The end was a good one (I'm sorry Dr. Schultz was sacrificed to die!) and the message is...Freedom! As I was saying (writing) I saw the movie on Monday (Febrauary 24, 2013) and was pleased to find out in the evening that Christophe Waltz--the Dr. Schultz character in the movie--had won an Oscar as best supporting act! All were good, but he was great! Congratulations to the Winner!
Oh, by the way... I love you Jamie, handsome, clever! ~♥~